She has a particular love for paper?? She can spot piece of paper large or small and make her way to it in no time. And of course once she reaches the paper it goes immediately into her mouth!
I walked in the other day to find Emmalie sitting beside Sadie~Ryan, while Sadie~Ryan was thoroughly enjoying a piece of paper she had found on the floor. My initial reaction was to get on to Emmalie for letting her have the paper to chew on. "Honey, why did you let her have that? You know that's not good for her!" Emmalie looked at me and said, "But Mamma....she likes it...she cries when I try to take it away."
It was in that moment that God spoke quietly to my heart.
I know full well that I often cry in protest, just like Sadie~Ryan, when God reaches down to lead me away from something that is not good for me.
And if I stop crying long enough to listen I can hear him lovingly say....
Maggie, I want the best for you.
THAT is not good for you, but HERE is something that will satisfy you.
I love when God uses my children to teach me lessons about His love for me. I can think of many things that I hear Him lead me away from.....a sugary treat, more time in front of the computer, a conversation full of gossip and judgement. I try my best to obey, when I hear Him tug at my heart. But knowing that I will DEFINITELY fail and He will ALWAYS forgive is the sweetest song to my soul.
Is there something He is leading you away from? Is it a struggle for you to obey? I would love to know how I can pray for you today. If you don't feel comfortable sharing a comment that can be read by everyone, please feel free to email me.
What a sweet lesson... loved hearing Emmalie application! And I love this: "But knowing that I will DEFINITELY fail and He will ALWAYS forgive is the sweetest song to my soul." Thank you, Father! (and thank you, Maggie!)
Happy iFellowship Day! ♥ Michelle
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