A quick breakfast.
Time To Go! Anyone seen Claira's shoes??
Jubilee Organics Produce Coop
Home from Target
to grab a quick Lunch.
Then off to the Eye Doctor
A New Prescription for Nina
Perfect Vision for Abby
Emmalie is Slightly Farsighted. She's excited about the possibility of glasses.
Secretly I am, too. She would look SOO cute!
Dr. Moffitt - "What's your name?"
Claira - "Claira Bokros!"
Dr. Moffitt - "OK Claira. I just need you to tell me what pictures you see on the screen."
Claira - "A Puppy!!!"
Dr. Moffitt - "We are going to call that a telephone, OK?"
Claira - "Mommy, This is FUN!!"
Home for Naps
I got one, too :)!
Still waiting for that laundry soap......
Could it be????
Putting Toilet Paper in the Bathrooms
Cleaning Up My Mess
Trimming Bangs
Thinking about how to make peace with Mommy
for breaking her favorite lipstick.
Helping Daddy Return Emails
Home From School
Playing Dollhouse
"Mommy, Can I hold her now?"
Silly Sisters
All I really need
is a song in my heart,
food in my belly
and LOOVVE in my family!
~Recorded by Raffi, Sung Whole Heartedly by Claira all day.