Hi there! If you are visiting my blog for the first time them I'm so glad you're here!!! I am new to blogging and this is my first Blog Party! I'm so excited!!
So what is A Bokros Kind of Life you might be asking???
It's crazy fun, never dull, always changing, filled with laughter and full of love. On the flip side it can be chaotic, hectic, hard and stressful at times. From the very moment we said "YES God! We will live for you!" our lives have never been the same.
We are homeschooling parents to four little girls -- 4 mos, 3.5, 5, and 8.5 -- that keep us VERY busy!
After my mom's death from cancer in 2004 we welcomed four teenagers she adopted from Russia into our home as well.
Our blog is a way for us to share the ordinary and extraordinary ways that God blesses our lives simply because we made the decision to take up our cross and follow Him. As Paul says in the Bible "you will know my faith by my works" and that is what we hope you see here. We hope to live each moment we are given to the fullest and make the most of all of the experiences God takes us through in this life.....and to take you along with us!
Welcome to A Bokros Kind of Life!
Welcome to A Bokros Kind of Life!
Thanks for stopping by!
What We are Giving Away -- A Selection of Shaklee's Get Clean Green Cleaning products for your home. Including a Commemorative 50th Anniversary Basic H2 Package. Package valued at over $30.00!!
How To Enter -- **Up to 5 Possible Entries**
1. Leave a comment below = 1 entry
2. Subscribe to my blog and comment that you did = 1 entry
3. Tweet My Blog and leave a comment that you did = 1 entry
4. Facebook My Blog and leave a comment that you did = 1 entry
5. Send a friend to my blog and have them comment = 1 entry
**Make sure if you send a friend they note you in their comment to get credit.**
Drawing will be held on April 17, 2010
Good Luck!
What We are Giving Away -- A Selection of Shaklee's Get Clean Green Cleaning products for your home. Including a Commemorative 50th Anniversary Basic H2 Package. Package valued at over $30.00!!
How To Enter -- **Up to 5 Possible Entries**
1. Leave a comment below = 1 entry
2. Subscribe to my blog and comment that you did = 1 entry
3. Tweet My Blog and leave a comment that you did = 1 entry
4. Facebook My Blog and leave a comment that you did = 1 entry
5. Send a friend to my blog and have them comment = 1 entry
**Make sure if you send a friend they note you in their comment to get credit.**
Drawing will be held on April 17, 2010
Good Luck!
Hi there~Just stopping by to be your newest google follower, twitter, facebook fan from UBP. I am always in awe of homeschoolers. I need that break from my kiddos-LOL. Feel free to stop by my blog. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
I would love to win the cleaning products.
stopping by because you know I love a party!! I will FB this to share with others! Love you guys!
Ok seriously I've been wanting to try Shaklee's products, but haven't gotten up the gumption (is that a word) to order it! I'd love to win and try it!! I'm also hoping to homeschool in the coming years, so I can't wait to read more! Stop by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you have a chance!
~ Michelle
Hi Maggie! Saw this link on Mykals face book, I'm going to subscribe to your blog, and hope to win some cleaning products!
Kim Jones
HI there hun sounds like you have a housefull of love and fun. My mom used to use Shaklee when I was muchyounger and I have not seen it in years. I loved their stuff back then and would love more now.. specially since you can't find it around here.. I am your newest follower...
wow, what a full house! Lots of love, I imagine. Best wishes, enjoy the UBP!
Stopping in from the UBP! God has blessed you to be able to be half sane with eight kids!!!
Stopping by from the party to say hi! Sounds like you have very full days :)
Stoppin in from UBP. Would love to win the prize package!
Since the pie wasn't ready when you came by earlier, we thought you might like a bedtime snack...
Sweet Dreams! ~ Maria & Michelle @ FTSN
Thanks for visiting me over at "The Homeschool Chick". I just love meeting other homeschooling moms here in the blog-O-sphere! I'm following you here and on twitter too.
nice prize! thanks for offering a ga!
janel_marie at yahoo dot com
stopping by from ubp 2010. come visit me to: http://amomstake.blogspot.com
Oh my goodness, what an interesting and amazing life you have! You have a heart of gold - God will certainly continue to bless you in your life! Happy blog party!!!
Katherine (shoot-me-now.com)
(my other sites:
Pregnancy Blog
Anonymous Gifts
I am loving all these homeschool blogs at this party. I am your newest follower. :) Stop by and say "Hi."
Toot Toot the #UBP10 Party Train coming through!!!
I love meeting new bloggers! We also homeschool!!! I'm following you all the ways possible!
Have a great party!
@Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com
Bloing in from the UBP o say hi! WOW, what a remarkable family you are and look forward to following your blog :)
I just stopped by from the Ultimate Blog Party! I'm a huge shaklee fan - their dish soap is one of the best things I've ever tried!
charmtime at gmail dot com
Thanks for stopping by my blog! So glad you have found blogging to be something you love.
Hi! I'm glad I got to your blog - I think you and I have a lot in common. Hope you can stop by my place (#225 on UBP) this week, too: http://tinahollenbeck.blogspot.com/2010/04/2010-ultimate-blog-party.html.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Wow- 4 bio children and 4 adopted children/siblings? I'm intrigued! Can't wait to read more. :)
Sounds like you keep very busy! I'm sure it's always an interesting day in your home!
Stopping by from the party - thanks for the giveaway!
Id love to enter!!
contact email: tsgiveaways(at)hotmail.com
Stopping by from the party! Only 1 day left. I've got lots of partying still to do. It was nice to meet you.
I'm a homeschooling mother also, although my kid are much older than yours. My oldest is starting college - which doesn't seem possible.
I LOVE Shaklee! My husband's grandmother sells Shaklee products, so we've been able to try a variety of their stuff. Haven't tried the Green Cleaning products, though. I'd be eager to give them a whirl! (wink wink)
Would like to have some green cleaning products in my home, have run out and no money to buy more!
UBP party! Thanks for your Great Blog!
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On This Journey of Learning (#955)
A Research blog about fertility, pregnancy, birth, newborns, natural health and more.
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